Today, I was watching a video of Life Noggin called “Could You Survive 2.5 Million Years Ago?” This arose a question, will modern human be able to survive an Ice Age? There are a lot of factors to consider like the climate & environment, and the disease.

Key Factors:

Climate & Environment – 

First of all let’s start with the climate. Most of the water on Earth will turned to ice. This will cause people to stop working and it will also cause a world-wide blackout.

During the last ice age the temperature were around 5 to 10 degrees Celsius. That was a much colder and more dry Earth. Without energy people will have to start burning stuff to get some heat but that would be enough. Over time people will die of hyperthermia.

The growing season will be negatively affect because of the extreme weather, this will cause crops failures. Food shortage will become a major problem. This will cause people to die of starvation.

Diseases – 

Diseases will play a key role during the Ice Age. First they will have to evolve to the freezing conditions, this also means that they will become stronger and more effective.

Diseases will become so powerful and effective that even the common cold will kill you in a couple of days.


Common Cold Bacteria


Without food, without medicine, and in a freezing temperature it’s impossible for a modern human to survive an Ice Age. The entire population could die of starvation, a disease or hyperthermia.